Tuesday, October 29, 2013

But Doctor, I Only Have a Cold...

After my daily browsing of the greatest website ever, (Click here...) I have noticed a very quick shift in the news. I guess the beating of the Republicans over the shutdown has become old news, because we are BACK to bashing Obamacare!!! Just a few weeks ago, I was pretty sure the media was projecting the downfall of the Republican Party, now it seems...

I have pointed this out before, but Obamacare is giving the Blue Dog Democrats big headaches. I am not really sure why all this is happening, I would have thought  Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would have made sure all the kinks were out...Oh...I mean what about...mmm...It is starting to become clear that a few Democrats are pushing for changes. J

I think the bigger question we all have to ask, is how bad was this roll out, how bad could thing have been during the first few weeks of Obamacare. Check this out, and here, and here too...It is getting a bit crazy if you believe everything you read. I would be more then willing to write this all off it is was a right leaning website or news source like Fox News, but this are from media outlets that are left leaning, say some editorals from the New York Times. Now here is a video from CBS news, that is just adding the heap of problems that Obama and his admin is facing.

Is this all Obama's fault? No, it would be stupid for anybody to go straight to Obama and say EVERYTHING is your fault. It is like blaming EVERYTHING that happened in Iraq on President Bush. Yet, I will say the marching orders have to start somewhere and he gave them, it was up to the Democrats in the Senate and House to try and stop this, but they did not. Now everybody has to deal with the fallout, and now some Democrats are running for cover.

This should be the same across the board, the Senate and the House are susposed to be checks to the President to make sure they are not going overboard, not just yes men/women. Yet, I have not seen a congress in awhile that has not become a group of yes people. If anything is to blame for this entire mess, it should be the Democrats in the House and the Senate, for not stopping and asking themselves is this really a good idea?

EDIT: ACA is starting to fall apart the wheels are falling off, and the numbers are starting to show: Here, I think we also need to realize how many people are loosing their insurance and the numbers will keep increasing...ColoradoOregonCaliforniaTennesseeNorth DakotaWest VirginiaWisconsinor just look here.

Now, I understand some of this infromation is going to be Republican/Obamacare hating people just spitting out things that may skew the truth. I will agree that these numbers are twisted and bent to support one side or the other. What we can gather from all this infromation is that there is a large number of people who are loosing their health insurance. We can not deny that as fact, there are more people loosing health insurance then there are people getting it. That right there is a loosing cause...

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